Source code for polyrat.lagrange

import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import eig, eigvals, hessenberg
from .basis import PolynomialBasis
from .polynomial import Polynomial

	from funtools import cached_property
except ImportError:
	from backports.cached_property import cached_property

[docs]def lagrange_roots(nodes, weights, coef, deflation = True): r""" Compute the roots of a Lagrange polynomial This implements the deflation algorithm from [LC14]_ to compute the roots of a Lagrange polynomial without changing basis and to high accuraccy. Parameters ---------- nodes: numpy.array (n,) Nodes :math:`x_j` where the polynomial value is defined. weights: numpy.array (n,) The barycentric weights :math:`\prod_{k\ne j} (\xi_j - \xi_k)^{-1}` coef: numpy.array (n,) The coeffients :math:`f_j` defining the value of the polynomial at each point; i.e., :math:`p(\xi_j) = f_j`. deflation: bool In the standard formulation to compute these roots we solve a generalized eigenvalue problem (GEP) which has two infinite poles. If True, we explicitly remove these infinite poles by shrinking the matrices; if False we do not. Returns ------- roots: :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` Roots of the polynomial. """ n = len(nodes) assert (n == len(weights)) and (n == len(coef)), "Dimensions of nodes, weights, and coef should be the same" # Build the RHS of the generalized eigenvalue problem C0 = np.zeros((n+1, n+1), dtype=np.complex) C0[1:n+1,1:n+1] = np.diag(nodes) # LHS for generalized eigenvalue problem C1 = np.eye(n+1, dtype=np.complex) C1[0, 0] = 0 # scaling coef = coef / np.linalg.norm(coef) weights = weights / np.linalg.norm(weights) C0[0,1:n+1] = coef C0[1:n+1,0] = weights # balancing [LC14, eq. 29] coef0 = np.copy(coef) weights0 = np.copy(weights) s = np.array([1.]+[np.sqrt(np.abs(wj/aj)) if np.abs(aj) > 0 else 1 for (wj, aj) in zip(weights, coef)]) C0 = np.diag(1/s) @ C0 @ np.diag(s) # Apply a rotation to make the first weight real angle = np.angle(C0[1,0]) if np.isfinite(angle): C0[1:,0] *= np.exp(-1j*angle) else: print("Rotation failed", angle) deflation = False if deflation: #C0[1,0] must be real for Householder to reflect correctly assert np.abs(C0[1,0].imag) < 1e-10, "C0[1,0]: %g + I %g" % (C0[1,0].real, C0[1,0].imag) #Householder Reflector u = np.copy(C0[1:,0]) # = w scaled u[0] += np.linalg.norm(C0[1:,0]) # (w) scaled H = np.eye(n, dtype=complex) - 2 * np.outer(u,u.conjugate())/(np.linalg.norm(u)**2) G2 = np.zeros((n+1, n+1), dtype=complex) G2[0,0] = 1 G2[1:,1:] = H C0 = G2 @ C0 @ G2 C1 = G2 @ C1 @ G2 H1, P1 = hessenberg(C0[1:,1:], calc_q=True, overwrite_a = False) G3 = np.zeros((n+1, n+1), dtype=complex) G3[0,0] = 1 G3[1:,1:] = P1.T.conjugate() G4 = np.eye(n+1, dtype=complex) G4[0:2,0:2] = [[0,1],[1,0]] H1 =[1:,1:] B1 =[1:,1:] # Givens Rotation G5 = np.eye(n, dtype=complex) a = H1[0,0] b = H1[1,0] c = a / np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) s = b / np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) G5[0:2,0:2] = [[c.conjugate(), s.conjugate()],[-s,c]] H2 =[1:,1:] B2 =[1:,1:] try: return eigvals(H2, B2) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError as e: raise e else: # Compute the eigenvalues # As this eigenvalue problem has a double root at infinity, we ignore the division by zero warning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message='divide by zero encountered in true_divide', category=RuntimeWarning) ew = eigvals(C0, C1, overwrite_a=False) ew = ew[np.isfinite(ew).flatten()] assert len(ew) == len(coef) - 1, "Error: too many infinite eigenvalues encountered" return ew
def lagrange_vandermonde(nodes, weights, X): r""" Build the Vandermonde matrix associated with """ x = X.flatten() assert len(x) == len(X), "Input must be one dimensional" with np.errstate(divide = 'ignore', invalid = 'ignore'): # The columns of the Vandermonde matrix V = np.array([w/(x - n) for n, w in zip(nodes, weights)]).T for row in np.argwhere(~np.all(np.isfinite(V), axis = 1)): V[row] = 0 V[row, np.argmin(np.abs(x[row] - nodes)).flatten()] = 1. denom = np.sum(V, axis = 1) V /= denom[:, None] return V
[docs]class LagrangePolynomialBasis(PolynomialBasis): r""" Constructs a Lagrange polynomial basis in barycentric form. Here we construct a univariate polynomial in barycentric form as described in [BT04]_: .. math:: p(x) = \sum_{j=1}^d \frac{ f_j w_j (x - \xi_j)^{-1}}{w_j (x - \xi_j)^{-1}}, \quad w_j := \prod_{k\ne j} (\xi_j - \xi_k)^{-1} such that :math:`p(\xi_j) = f_j`. Parameters ---------- nodes: array_like List of the nodes :math:`\xi_j` specifying the basis. """ def __init__(self, nodes): self.nodes = np.array(nodes).flatten() assert len(nodes) == len(self.nodes), "Input must be one-dimensional" # BT 04, eq. (3.2) # w[j] = prod_{j\ne k} 1./(node[j] - node[k]) self.weights = 1./np.array([[k] - self.nodes[0:k]) *[k] - self.nodes[k+1:]) for k in range(len(self.nodes)) ]) @property def dim(self): return 1 @cached_property def vandermonde_X(self): return np.eye(len(nodes)) def vandermonde(self, X): return lagrange_vandermonde(self.nodes, self.weights, X) def vandermonde_derivative(self, X): raise NotImplementedError def roots(self, coef, deflation = True): return lagrange_roots(self.nodes, self.weights, coef, deflation = deflation)
class LagrangePolynomialInterpolant(Polynomial): def __init__(self, X, y): self.basis = LagrangePolynomialBasis(X) self.coef = np.copy(y) @property def nodes(self): return self.basis.nodes